The Business Master (4th Edition)
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I PFONT - Fonts by Roy E. Hensel Hensel Color Graphics
RD4 Box 87
Cranbury, NJ 08512
The four fonts in the HENSEL directory were made from a
different font editor (PFE) and converted to LQMATRIX. They
were all written for the Epson LQ 850/1050 printers. All
contain the space (ASCII 32) as a character which is
acceptable on Epson printers. If the space should cause a
problem with your printer see the LQMATRIX Manual for an
explanation of how to change the ASCII Range. (Set<U>p).
Justified right margins with these four proportional fonts
will require additional editing. The characters are not in
the standard Epson spacing and some are not in even widths.
By saving each character with the auto-spacing option the
LQMATRIX program will assign the required even spacing. In
addition, work will be necessary with your word processor as
explained in the LQMATRIX Manual. The extra effort defeats
the purpose of the simple, easy to use fonts. My preference
is for ragged right margins unless the word processor has
automatic hyphenation.
The included fonts are as follows:
COMIC.LQP was designed from the lettering of comic strips.
All capital letters were used. This font has good
readability. The model for the font was "Hi & Lois". A
NLQ fixed width version was made with LQCONVRT: COMIC.LQN
HENSEL.LQP is mostly my own design. Curved diagonals allow
more open space within letters such as A and W which helps
in making photo copies. While it was designed as a straight
font it also doubles as a good italic font when the printer
is set in the italic mode.
HOBO.LQP is a bold special purpose font which has been used by
printers for many years. It has no descenders.
TECH.LQP was based on the hand lettering of a well known
architect. It is suitable for informal occasions.
If you like these fonts, PFONT, containing an additional 9
fonts should soon be available through shareware sources.
These fonts are in the PFE format which should download to
most of the same printers as LQMATRIX. If not, each disk
will contain a program called PFE2LQ which will convert them
to LQMATRIX. The shareware version contains a total of 12
fonts, but 3 of them are in the above group of 4. The
registration version will contain no less than 21 fonts.
The additional fonts on the shareware version of PFONT are:
BLACK (black letter), CLASSICL, CSCRIPT (Chancery),
COMPUTER, CURSIVE (Script), FORM, TYPE (1929 typewriter),
TYPE2U, and TYPE3.
If you cannot locate PFONT from shareware distributors, send
$5.00 to Hensel Color Graphics (to cover costs) for the
shareware version.